Press Releases

Join the ‘Urban Buddhist Monk’ and Guests for a Day of Mindfulness, Meditation, and Wellness on October 14, 2023

6th Annual Kindful Canada Symposium: A National Conference on Mental health and Kindfulness

Making Canada a more mindful and kinder nation

  • Promoting mental health, happiness, peace, harmony, patience, tolerance, light and wisdom through mindfulness meditation and kindfulness practice
  • Speakers from the media, academia, medicine, human rights, arts and sciences, policing, and First Nations 
  • Special mindfulness session guided by the Urban Buddhist Monk


TORONTO, ON, July, 2023 – The Kindful Canada Symposium is a full day dedicated to making Canada the happiest, healthiest, kindest and most peaceful nation through mindfulness and meditation. Now in its third year, the event is expected to attract over 400 people, interested in health and wellness: learning how simple, yet life changing wellness techniques, can lead to a happy and healthy life.

The main theme of the symposium is encouraging people to consider kindfulness (= kindness and mindfulness) practices, physical fitness and mental fitness by meditating and cultivating positive thoughts and actions. Everyone can benefit as individuals, communities, and as a nation, by embracing non-violence, respect for others, generosity, and honesty in relationships. This requires being focused and mindful in everything we do.

Date: Saturday, September 28th, 2019 – 10:00 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Location: Aga Khan Museum Auditorium, North York, Ontario (Toronto)
Information and Registration:

The symposium is hosted by the notable Urban Buddhist Monk, Ven. Dr. Bhante Saranapala, founder and president of Canada: A Mindful and Kind Nation.

“Canada can be the happiest, healthiest, kindest, and the most peaceful nation in the world through mindful meditation,” says Ven. Dr. Bhante Saranapala, founder and president of Canada: A Mindful and Kind Nation. “We are also promoting mindfulness meditation and kindness practices to help overcome mental health issues, such as stress and anxiety, in the home and workplace.”

Featured Speakers and Topics

Kindness and Empathy
By Avis Favaro - Medical Correspondent, CTV National News

Using two decades of her experiences as a medical correspondent of the CTV National News, Avis Favaro is going to speak about kindness and empathy and how scientists are trying to learn about where these feelings and actions originate in the brain - how to scientifically verify  it and understand it- so that this important trait is fostered in future generations.


Walk the Four Quadrants: The physical, Spiritual, Mental and Emotional
By Doug Gray - White Eagle, First Nation Storyteller, Shamanic Teacher of Sacred Medicine, International Speaker

As we walk the Medicine Wheel of Life we must walk the four Quadrants: Physical/Spiritual/Mental/Emotional. All are equal to each other. One of our challenges in walking the sacred hoop is learning the Pathway to surrender. Letting go, in order to know balance in our lives. Come with me and we will walk the Sacred medicine Wheel together.

Neuroscience and Recent Research: Providing a Better Understanding of Our True Nature and Our Connectedness to Self, Others and Mother Earth
By Dr. Mitchell Abrams - CEO and Founder of NextGenHealth, Director of Medical Humanities Canadian International Science Exchange Program, McMaster University

 Combining his radiology background with his spiritual learnings from India, Dr. Abrams explores energy from both Western scientific and Eastern spiritual contexts as it relates to mental health, consciousness, and interconnectedness. Empowering audiences with knowledge, Abrams inspires communities to learn, heal and grow together. 

Special Group Meditation: Guided by the Urban Buddhist Monk

It's time to raise mental health awareness and reduce its stigma. What can we learn from our unique physiological responses to stress? Start building resilience and healthy coping strategies, along with using practical tools from the "mental health" toolbox - resources applicable to all people.

See full speaker list and biographies
Conference program overview

Learn About Mindfulness Meditation: An Ancient Healing Technique

Introductory beginner sessions: Participate in guided mindfulness meditation practice

About the Kindful Canada Symposium

The Kindful Canada Symposium is an annual conference and exhibition, promoting mental health through mindfulness meditation and kindness practices. The event’s mission is to make Canada the healthiest, kindest, and most mindful and peaceful nation in the world.

For additional information and event registration, visit:

Media Contact:
Irving Frydman
Brand2Brand (B2B) Marketing Insights
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Organization Contacts:
Bhante Saranapala Diane Lauzon
Founder & President Coordinator
Canada: A Mindful and Kind Nation Canada: A Mindful and Kind Nation
647-624-2694 647-963-9311
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